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What can be better than cooking new recipes – learning new techniques – and trying new gadgets – however due to COVID-19, all of our classes have been canceled for now.


Please stay healthy and safe and take care of your loved ones.  Practice social distancing and remember to cook all the things you always wanted to get to but never had the time.


We are in the process of creating classes for private groups and families - keep checking for updates...

We look forward to opening our doors and cooking with you soon!


佛跳墙 下载

The Kitchen is Bed Bath & Beyond’s exciting new kitchen experience in our East Hanover location. Come and prepare amazing meals with the guidance of our chefs and instructors while using top-of-the-line appliances, cookware, electrics, knives, and gadgets—the ultimate try before you buy experience.

We offer cooking and baking classes, kid's classes and birthday parties, professional workshops, corporate team building, and private parties. Let's cook!

佛跳墙 下载

Ever wonder about the difference between a German and Japanese knife? Try it out. Is the cookware touted by the industry really the best for your needs? Test it out. Baffled by the difference between a saucier versus a fry pan? Find out.

Each class is designed to be a fun, rewarding experience that’s literally hands on. You’ll be encouraged to use all the products featured in the class, so you can find the equipment that inspires  your culinary adventures at home.  Outfitting your kitchen has never been more delicious. And don't forget to BYOB!

佛跳墙 下载

SUMMER CAMP - Kids and Teens
SUMMER CAMP - Kids and Teens
Summer 2020

佛跳墙 下载

180 Route 10 West
East Hanover, NJ 07936

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